This list is very incomplete, but I’ve tried to include a few of the open source projects I’m involved with. See my GitHub for more.
Dendron Tools: various addons for the Dendron note-taking system
dep-graph-viz: visualizing dependencies within a project
kindle-clippings-zotero: utilities for processing clippings from a kindle device
muutils: my python utilities library
pdj-sitegen: A simple, and fast static site generator that uses pandoc and jinja2
python project template: I’m opinionated about how I structure my python projects, and I was tired of searching through my old projects for makefiles and doc templates
tabGPT: (defunct) a tab, bookmark, and reference sorting system powered by GPT
TL-model-table: Interactive table of models available in TransformerLens
trnbl: unified interface to wandb, tensorboard, and a local-first custom dashboard
ZANJ: data format for storing ML datasets / model weights in same file as metadata
Package status dashboard: